Life Insurance Management System is a web-based application developed in ASP.NET. It is an online information management and micro insurance analysis system that provides statistics and information related to people and resources involved in insurance. The proposed site is not static; it provides several dynamic facilities including search tools, articles, illustrations, guidelines and images.
Only the project report of this project is available for download at the moment. So, this is just a reference project. The other project files including source codes if found will be updated in the download link.
Modules Overview:
Life Insurance Management System consists of three modules: admin, registered users and public users. The admin module provides access to registered users only and they can log in and manage the other users and articles in the site. The next module gives info regarding the premium details of the users and product details. The public users module produces reports giving details about the insurance along with statistical data.
Programming Environment:
This system is applicable to only MIRC to provide online services to its member organizations. The three key features of this project are:
1. Product Requirements: This website is an online Micro Insurance Management System that provides the following features in its phase-1.
The visitor services include articles, about website and contact information. The member services include login, change password, insured registration and management, search for insured persons and article management.
2. User Requirements: The web site provides easy links for easy navigation in the site. A visitor with minimum knowledge of web browsing/surfing can access and roam the site very easily. An online help documentation will be provided to help the users and visitors to use the dynamic facilities provided by the site.
3. Performance Requirements: Under this, each page in the site needs to load in a reasonable amount of time. Also, the latest web techniques like Caching should be implemented to speed up the loading of dynamic pages.
The following four key quality attributes should be maintained in this Life Insurance Management System Project:
1. Server-side Software Requirements:
2. Client-side Software Requirements:
3. Server-side Hardware Requirements:
For the client side, any hardware that can run a web browser will work.
This Life Insurance Management System in ASP.NET, working under three modules, allows admins to give registration to insured persons with their personal and medical details. It is a web-based project that aims at providing an effective online information management and micro insurance analysis system to provides statistical details and relevant data to people and resources.