Personal Income Tax Filing and Payment Information

Information about Metro Supportive Housing Services (SHS) Personal Income Tax and Multnomah County Preschool for All (PFA) Personal Income Tax, including requirements for filing personal tax returns and paying personal taxes with the City of Portland's Revenue Division.

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Notice of Debt Letter Explanation (May 2024)

The City of Portland's Revenue Division regularly sends notices to taxpayers for personal income taxes which they administer. If you received a Notice of Debt letter in the month following the filing of your tax return, it is generally due to an adjustment made to that return. The tax year 2023 personal income tax returns were due on April 15, 2024, and notices for adjustments made to returns that were filed on or before this date were generally mailed around May 20, 2024.

Examples of adjustments that would create a Notice of Debt letter would be a penalty and/or interest assessment, a math/calculation error, or a difference in the prepayments reported on the return and the prepayments that have been applied to the taxpayer’s account.

Some taxpayers paid their correctly calculated 2023 tax on or before April 15, 2024, and still received a Notice of Debt letter. This is most likely due to the assessment of interest on underpaid quarterly estimated payments and/or withholding. For taxpayers that owe $1,000 or more for either tax program, quarterly estimated payments are required if the tax liability in the prior tax year is $1,000 or more. Please review the tax payment requirements including their due dates.

For taxpayers that made quarterly payments (or whose employer withheld tax) that were assessed quarterly interest, this could be due to the employer withholding/estimated payments being underpaid, the correct account number or primary filer’s social security number not being used, or the estimated payments not being reported on the correct line of the return.

The interest on underpayment of estimated taxes was not due for tax year 2021 (the first year of the programs) or tax year 2022 (due to the amnesty program offered for that year). The interest is due for the first time for tax year 2023.

All income tax agencies rely upon technology and automation to cost effectively administer collections. Processes and controls exist to review any discrepancies raised by taxpayers, and appropriate system adjustments and resolutions are implemented after thorough review. If you believe that your adjustment was made in error, please contact us and we will work to investigate and resolve the issue. You can email us at or , or call us at 503-865-4748.

Overview: SHS and PFA Personal Income Tax

Metro Supportive Housing Services (SHS) Personal Income Tax

In 2020, voters in greater Portland approved a measure to raise money for supportive housing services for people experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness. This tax went into effect January 1, 2021.

The SHS program is partially funded by a 1% personal income tax. The SHS personal tax is owed by individuals with Metro taxable income above $125,000 if filing single or $200,000 if filing joint who live in Metro (including for only a portion of the year), work in Metro, or have income from Metro sources even if not a resident of Metro. To determine if your address is located in the Metro tax jurisdiction, check your address in the Metro Boundary Address Lookup tool. Revenue is distributed within the portions of Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington counties that are inside Metro’s district.

The City of Portland Revenue Division administers the tax on behalf of Metro. Individuals who are liable for the tax must file a separate Metro SHS personal tax return and pay the tax to the City of Portland Revenue Division to be in compliance with the tax law.

Multnomah County Preschool for All (PFA) Personal Income Tax

In 2020, Multnomah County voters approved a measure to establish a tuition-free preschool program. The Preschool for All program is funded by a personal income tax, which went into effect January 1, 2021.

The personal income tax rate is 1.5% on Multnomah County taxable income over $125,000 for individuals or $200,000 for joint filers, and an additional 1.5% on Multnomah County taxable income over $250,000 for individuals or $400,000 for joint filers. The rate will increase by 0.8% in 2026. The PFA personal tax is owed by individuals with Multnomah County taxable income above $125,000 if filing single or $200,000 if filing joint who live in Multnomah County (including for only a portion of the year), work in Multnomah County, or have income from Multnomah County sources even if not a resident of Multnomah County. To determine if your address is located in the Multnomah County tax jurisdiction, search your address in Portland Maps. If the search results indicate a jurisdiction of Multnomah County, your address is within Multnomah County’s jurisdiction.

The City of Portland Revenue Division administers the tax on behalf of Multnomah County. Individuals who are liable for the tax must file a separate Multnomah County PFA personal tax return and pay the tax to the City of Portland Revenue Division to be in compliance with the tax law.

Payroll Withholding Tax Requirements

Metro Supportive Housing Services (SHS) Personal Income Tax

Starting in January of 2022, Metro employers are required to withhold the tax through payroll deductions for employees who earn more than $200,000 annually or for employees who opt into having the tax withheld. Some employers began withholding the tax in 2021. Your W-2 will indicate that this tax has been withheld in the local tax section under the name “METRO”.

If you would like opt in or out of the SHS withholding tax requirement, contact your employer.

Multnomah County Preschool for All (PFA) Personal Income Tax

Starting in January of 2022, Multnomah County employers are required to withhold the tax through payroll deductions for employees who earn more than $200,000 annually or for employees who opt into having the tax withheld. Some employers began withholding the tax in 2021. Your W-2 will indicate that this tax has been withheld in the local tax section under the name “MULT”.

If you would like opt in or out of the PFA withholding tax requirement, contact your employer.

Personal Income Tax Rates

Metro Supportive Housing Services (SHS) Personal Income Tax

The Metro Supportive Housing Services (SHS) personal income tax rate is 1% on Metro taxable income over $125,000 for individuals and $200,000 for joint filers.

Multnomah County Preschool for All (PFA) Personal Income Tax

The Multnomah County Preschool for All (PFA) personal income tax rate is 1.5% on Multnomah County taxable income over $125,000 for individuals and $200,000 for joint filers, and an additional 1.5% on Multnomah County taxable income over $250,000 for individuals and $400,000 for joint filers. The rate will increase by 0.8% in 2026.

Other Personal Income Taxes

City of Portland Arts Education and Access Fund (Arts Tax)

Each Portland resident age 18 and older that earns income above the federal poverty level and has $1,000 or more income is required to file and pay the Arts Tax. Visit our Arts Tax page for more information about the filing and payment requirements.

Residency Status: Full-Year and Part-Year/Non-Resident Filers

Metro Supportive Housing Services (SHS) Personal Income Tax

If your income is above the $125,000 single filer or $200,000 joint filer taxation threshold, your income subject to the SHS tax includes all income earned during the year while you were a resident of Metro, plus all Metro sourced income earned while you were a nonresident.

You are considered a full-year Metro resident if you lived within Metro for the entire year. You are also considered a full-year Metro resident, even if you lived outside of Metro for a portion of the year, if all of the following are true: you consider Metro as your permanent home; Metro is the center of your financial, social, and family life; and Metro is the place you intend to return after an absence. To determine if your place of residence is located within the Metro tax jurisdiction, utilize Metro’s address lookup tool. Full year residents are required to file Form MET-40 Full Year Resident.

If you were a Metro resident for only a portion of the year or if you were not a resident of Metro during the year but you earned income in Metro or received income from Metro sources, you are required to complete Form MET-40-NP Non-Resident/Part Year Resident. For part-year residents, Metro taxes your income from all sources earned or received while you were a Metro resident. For non-residents, Metro taxes only your income from Metro sources. If you were a part-year resident and also had income from Metro sources while you were a non-resident, Metro taxes the combined total of your part-year and non-resident income.

If you were a non-resident who traveled into Metro to perform work, income from the work done in Metro is taxable. If you were a non-resident employed by a Metro employer but did not travel into Metro to perform work (for example, work was done from a home office in a teleworking arrangement), the income received for that work is not taxable.

Multnomah County Preschool for All (PFA) Personal Income Tax

If your income is above the $125,000 single filer or $200,000 joint filer taxation threshold, your income subject to the PFA tax includes all income earned during the year while you were a resident of Multnomah County, plus all Multnomah County sourced income earned while you were a nonresident.

You are considered a full-year Multnomah County resident if you lived within Multnomah County for the entire year. You are also considered a full-year Multnomah County resident, even if you lived outside of Multnomah County for a portion of the year, if all of the following are true: you consider Multnomah County as your permanent home; Multnomah County is the center of your financial, social, and family life; and Multnomah County is the place you intend to return after an absence. To determine if your address is located in the Multnomah County tax jurisdiction, search your address in Portland Maps to verify the jurisdiction. Full year residents are required to file Form MC-40 Full Year Resident.

If you were a Multnomah County resident for only a portion of the year or if you were not a resident of Multnomah County during the year but you earned income in Multnomah County or received income from Multnomah County sources, you are required to complete Form MC-40-NP Non-Resident/Part Year Resident. For part-year residents, Multnomah County taxes your income from all sources earned or received while you were a Multnomah County resident. For non-residents, Multnomah County taxes only your income from Multnomah County sources. If you were a part-year resident and also had income from Multnomah County sources while you were a non-resident, Multnomah County taxes the combined total of your part-year and non-resident income.

If you were a non-resident who traveled into Multnomah County to perform work, income from the work done in Multnomah County is taxable. If you were a non-resident employed by a Multnomah County employer but did not travel into Multnomah County to perform work (for example, work was done from a home office in a teleworking arrangement), the income received for that work is not taxable.

Personal Income Tax Return Filing Requirements

You must file your personal income tax return(s) and pay your personal income tax liability to the City of Portland's Revenue Division following the same schedule that federal and state income tax returns are due (generally April 15). These taxes are not included on your Oregon tax return and must be filed with and paid to the City of Portland Revenue Division.

Electronic filing is only available for select software programs at this time. Check with your software provider to see if it allows the option for electronic filing. If your software does not provide an option for electronic filing, it may be able to generate a paper return for you to print and submit by mail.

The return(s) you are required to file will depend on your residency status within the jurisdictions. If you are liable for both the Metro SHS tax and the Multnomah County PFA tax and you have the same residency status for both jurisdictions, you do have the option to file a combined Metro SHS/MultCo PFA personal tax return on Portland Revenue Online (PRO).

Metro Supportive Housing Services (SHS) Personal Income Tax

You are required to file a Metro SHS Personal Income Tax return if: