Certificates for the First Day of School

We offer printable certificate templates for the first day of school for both parents and teachers.

For Teachers

back to school

This certificate template can be totally customized. You can edit the name and grade and all other text as well.

For Parents

You don’t want to forget your child’s first day of school. These printable certificate templates have space to add a photo and some details about the special day to ensure that you and your child never forget it.

Printable certificates to record the first day of school

The first day of school is exciting for both kids and parents. Its a day we want to remember for years to come. Download a certificate below and add your child’s photo on the first day of school. Record the date and write a few words about how she felt that day.

Any Grade – All text can be customized

First <a href=day of school (all text can be customized so it can be used for any grade). You can also add the child" width="417" height="540" />

First Day of Preschool

first day of preschool make a photo book

First Day of Kindergarten

first day of kindergarten

First Day of School Certificate

first <a href=day of school make a photo book" width="540" height="405" />

One Comment

Abdelrahman Raed Mujahed says: