The State of Illinois leases dedicated cellular bandwidth from Verizon Wireless. The Illinois Department of Innovation & Technology (DoIT) is responsible for managing the network.
back to top 2. What is the coverage of IWIN and what happens when I travel to different areas of the State?For information regarding coverage please refer to Verizon Wireless. Provided you remain in a geographical area where IWIN is operational, you may travel throughout the State while maintaining connectivity. Since pricing is based upon statewide coverage, there are no roaming charges while using IWIN.
back to top 3. Are agencies required to purchase hardware, software and peripherals from the State contract?All State agencies are required to follow State of Illinois procurement rules. Local governments are not required to purchase from existing State contracts. However, the opportunity to purchase from the State contract is available to all IWIN customers in the interest of providing a more economical means to purchase necessary components. The State of Illinois has established minimum specifications for all computers and modems connected to IWIN.
back to top4. Will Motorola's Premier MDC™ software allow me to interface with my agency's Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and/or mobile reporting systems?
Yes. Motorola has developed pricing options for agencies that desire this capability. Agencies must work directly with Motorola to accomplish this interface.
back to top 5. Can an MDC/PDC in my agency be assigned to more than one person?Yes. MDCs/PDCs may be assigned to multiple users. However, each user must have their own user ID and password. At no time shall a user log on to the network using another individual's password.
back to top6. If my agency orders equipment from the State of Illinois contract, how long will delivery of equipment take?
The State has negotiated a 30-day delivery of equipment upon receipt of orders. However, some orders may take more or less time. Agencies must work directly with the equipment vendor for delivery of equipment.
back to top 7. I cannot log on to Premier yet I am registered to the network. What can I do?Note any error messages you receive (i.e., bad user ID, bad password, unit address not allowed on system, etc.). Have as much information as possible to enable the support desk to assist you.
back to top 8. I cannot register on the network? What do I do?