Nuisance Codes – Building and Engineering Regulations
This information sheet summarizes the most common types of code complaints received by the
Planning & Building Division within the Community Services Department. Please contact the
Division’s compliance staff at 775.328.6106 or for more
information on any of these common complaints. Complaints may also be submitted on-line
through Washoe311.
The Division’s Code Enforcement Officers (CEOs) are authorized to enforce certain nuisance
regulations. These regulations include:
• Outdoor storage of junk vehicles, building material, and/or appliances, and/or debris in
public view.
Remedy: All vehicles, material, appliances, and/or debris must be removed or screened
from public view. Vehicles may also be registered with DMV and therefore not
considered as a junk vehicle. Building material is allowed with a valid building
permit. Screening must be at least 6 feet in height, and must provide both physical
separation and visual obscuration on all sides and in all seasons.
Notes: Storage is a time period longer than 72 hours.
“Public view” means plainly visible from the public right-of-way. Items enclosed
within a lawful screen (e.g., a fence) are not considered to be in public view.
Complaints about solid waste, trash, refuse, rubbish and/or garbage should be
reported to the Health District on-line through Washoe311 or by phone at
• Maintenance of a property in such a state of disrepair or deterioration that could cause
damage to other property or improvements, or cause or contribute to blight and a
substantial reduction in the value of neighboring properties.
Remedy: The condition on the property must be remedied, rectified and/or removed.
Note: Often the nuisance conditions on these properties are more properly classified as
another type of County Code violation. Code compliance staff should be
contacted for more information.
• Excessive foliage and/or other nuisance conditions on the exterior of any foreclosed
residential property.
Remedy: The foliage or nuisance condition on the property must be remedied, rectified
and/or removed.
The most prevalent building and engineering violations enforced by the CEOs include:
• Constructing or erecting a building or structure over 200 square feet in size without the
appropriate Washoe County building permit.
Remedy: The property owner or contractor must apply for and obtain a building permit.
Note: There are several types of building permits, depending on the work that has been
done or will be done. Fees are also assessed for each type of building permit.
Building Program staff should be contacted at 775.328.2020 or for information on permits and fees.
• Any building or structure that is dangerous or in disrepair.
Remedy: The building or structure must be repaired and/or removed, in whole or in part.
Note: Often the repair or removal of a dangerous building or structure will require a
demolition permit in addition to other required building permits. Building
Program staff should be contacted at 775.328.2020 for information or on permits and fees.
• Grading of land not authorized by County Code. Grading includes the import or export of
earth material or fill in excess of 50 cubic yards.
Remedy: The property owner or contractor must apply for and obtain a grading permit.
Note: Grading permits are obtained from the Washoe County Building Program. The
volume or amount of grading, export or import may also require a separate special
use permit. Planning Program staff should be consulted at 775.328.6100, , for information on thresholds for grading. Building
Program staff should be contacted at 775.328.2020, ,
for information on permits and fees.
• Drainage or storm water issues from one property onto another.
Remedy: Development on a property must not increase drainage or storm water flows off
the property.
Note: Engineering Program staff should be consulted at 775.328.2041, , for information on drainage or storm water
issues. Other permits may be required to control or manage any such issues.